The only way to sparkle meaningful and invigorating communication with computers
What is a quine in programming?
Understanding quines with a petit list of examples
Bloom Filter
A brief introduction on Bloom Filter
console.log Alternatives
There are more useful Console methods other than console.log
Covariant and Contravariant Interface
A brief explanation on variance in programming with examples in C#
Customizing Swagger Page in AspNetCore WebApi
A walkthrough on adding description and examples to an endpoint in AspNetCore WebApi project
Data Validation with Zod
A short list of data validations that Zod are capable to do
Debugging with Git
Understand and apply these three Git debugging techniques to inspect the codebase for issues effectively
Dependency Injection in .NET 6 WPF
A stepwise guide on setting up dependency injection in WPF project with Autofac
Generics in Go
How is generics in Go looks like and the differences with others
Installing Arch Linux
A comprehensive guide to install Arch Linux from my personal experience
Installing PySpark on Windows
A comprehensive guide on setting up PySpark to work on Windows machine locally
Python Interop with Julia
A mini guide to work with Python and its ecosystems with Julia
Introduction to Prisma
What is Prisma and how it can help us to focus on the actual data but not database
JSONP in Brief
Understand what is JSONP and how does it work on the browser.
LaTeX Cheetsheet
The list of functions and samples on technical writing with LaTeX
Obfuscated code
Explanation and step by step guide to obfuscating codes
Object Relationships
Trying to comprehend the relationships of objects in terms of association, inheritance, aggregation and composition
Quack III Inverse Square Root
A quick approximation algorithm for inverse square root
RxJS Primer
The curated topics and concepts that are commonly used in RxJS
TypeScript Utility Types
Quick runthrough on how utility types in TypeScript works