Useful websites for developers
A curated list of websites that contains information for the latest technologies and useful tools

This article contains multiple hand-picked website that can be really useful and handy for developers that need to get access quickly without constantly typing and searching in the search bar in the browser as that can be a mundane and tedious task to do.


Web applications that I like to used for software planning and designing.

Blogs and Articles

Websites that must be visited daily to get the latest info and knowledges shared by the community.

Tutorials & Guides

Websites that contains loads of written tutorial in multiple technologies that can be extremely useful for beginners to learn anything from scratch.

Programming Language Docs

The official documentation sites for various programming languages.


Website that provides invaluable tutorials or insights for others to pick up regarding the latest technologies out there.

Web Framework Docs

Documentation sites for the web application frameworks that emerged over the years.

Server Framework Docs

Documentation sites for server-side technologies that supports the web.

Testing Library Docs

Documentation sites for the renowned testing frameworks in various technologies.

People's blog

Amazing blog by seasoned developers that shares their wisdom and experience in software development.

Mini Course
